BackUp Maker

BackUp Maker
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Topic: Target directory

BackUp Maker supports backing up your data to hard disk (internal/external, LAN), USB sticks, diskettes, CD/DVD carriers and direct uploads to an FTP server. This topic describes how to select the various targets.

Tab sheet: Local

Backs up your data to local data carriers (e.g. hard disks, USB sticks, diskettes) or to computers within a LAN. Select your target from the customary Windows Browser window by highlighting the target folder or the drive.


Windows treats storage media of the DVD RAM type like ordinary hard disks. You can backup to DVD RAM by selecting backup to a local target. To do this, simply select the burner drive as your target directory. If you prefer to use the integrated burner support that BackUp Maker provides, select the CD/DVD tab.

Tab sheet: CD/DVD

To write your backup direct to CD/DVD, select the CD/DVD tab. This lists all available burners that are supported. Please select the burner that you wish to use for writing to the CD/DVD.

Button: Settings

After selecting your burner, go to the settings for the write operation. Click on the Settings button.

Tab sheet: CD/DVD-R

If you want to back up your data to a Write once only media, use the CD/DVD-R tab. All currently available media are supported (CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer).

Option: Write speed

Please select your write speed. Note that an exaggerated write speed may interfere with the process and may invalidate your media.

Option: Finalize CD/DVD

In order to automatically close your CD/DVD after the write process, enable the Finalize CD/DVD checkbox. Failure to do this will create a multiple session CD/DVD.

Tab sheet: CD/DVD-RW

If you want to back up your data to a "Write many" media, use the CD/DVD-RW tab. All currently available media are supported (CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM).

Option: Don't erase

Select this option if you do not wish to erase your data medium before the write operation. In this case, a multiple session medium is created.

Option: Quick erase

This option performs a quick erase operation of your medium before writing to it. This erases only the table of contents of the medium, not the actual data.

Option: Complete erase

This option completely erases the contents of the storage medium before writing to it. This process may take a few minutes, depending on the storage medium.

Option: Finalize CD/DVD

In order to automatically close your CD/DVD after the write process, enable the Finalize CD/DVD checkbox. Failure to do this will create a multiple session CD/DVD.

Option: Eject CD/DVD after data was written

If you want the storage media to be ejected once the writing process is complete, enable this checkbox.

Note: Some systems will detect new CD/DVD data only when the CD/DVD has been ejected.

Tab sheet: FTP

If you want to upload your backup via FTP to a server, please click on the FTP tab.

Input box: Host address

Enter the host address here.


Input box: User name

In order to log on via FTP you require a user name plus a password. Enter your user name here.

Input box: Password

Enter your password for the FTP connection here. Make sure you distinguish correctly between upper and lower case.

Input box: Folder

If you want to upload your backup to a specific folder on the server, enter the folder name in this box.

Example: \folder\subfolder

Option: Connection type

Enable the Passive mode checkbox if FTP connection shall be executed in Passive mode (PASV).

BackUp Maker offers secure uploads via FTPS (FTP over SSL). Please contact your ISP if your server supports FTPS.

Option: SSL connection

Activate option "Use SSL" if you want BackUp Maker to use FTPS.

Option: SSL method

Please select supported SSL method and SSL version here.

Option: SSL certificate

If your FTP server needs a SSL certificate file you can enter the full file path and file name in this box. Alternatively you can click the right placed button to select a file.

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2007
ASCOMP Software GmbH,